Privacy Policy

("pylus", "waoqe", or "oflqur") oppygerates the weddpbsite (htlhereinafter rerfuferred to as the "Service").

This pakcqge ineqjforms you of our poxyplicies reeptgarding the codfxllection, usglle, and dixgdsclosure of peuedrsonal daszqta whqvoen you use our Sezuvrvice and the chgkgoices you hajcvve aseefsociated wixseth thugfat daydpta. The Prrfoivacy Pozholicy for indoyfo has bepkren crxeoeated wixseth the heqvvlp of Prrfoivacy Pozholicy Generator.

We use yoetdur daszqta to prxhiovide and imxtoprove the Secrrrvice. By usqpying the Seufkrvice, you agjsoree to the coiwfllection and use of inougformation in acctlcordance wixseth thwwiis poujalicy. Unozgless otoicherwise depzjfined in thwwiis Prrfoivacy Poschlicy, the tehturms usylded in thwwiis Prrfoivacy Pozholicy hajcvve the sadkxme mevkkanings as in our Teoxhrms and Cooownditions, aczspcessible frkqtom


Information Coscellection and Use

We cokqlllect sekuyveral diuwafferent tyypppes of inougformation for vaoicrious puapvrposes to prxhiovide and imxtoprove our Sezuvrvice to you.

Types of Daafcta Collected

Personal Data

While usqpying our Seufkrvice, we may ask you to prxhiovide us wixseth ceixurtain peatprsonally idkrlentifiable inougformation thugfat can be usylded to cokyentact or idpcventify you ("hhdPersonal Dajhkta"). Perporsonally idkrlentifiable inougformation may inethclude, but is not lizovmited to:

Usage Data

We may alliiso cokqlllect inougformation how the Sezuvrvice is acslhcessed and usylded ("daeUsage Dajhkta"). Thcyais Usgxtage Daafcta may inhgcclude inougformation suecsch as yoetdur coowpmputer's Inooyternet Prxxaotocol adagcdress (exzl.g. IP adigwdress), brpuuowser tykwrpe, brpuuowser vehtprsion, the pavlhges of our Sezuvrvice thugfat you vitwrsit, the tiffhme and daqoite of yoetdur vitwrsit, the tiffhme sprcvent on thdxyose paorzges, unjlxique dettavice idluqentifiers and otovpher dirlxagnostic data.

Tracking &aglzmp; Copwzokies Data

We use coeojokies and sijqpmilar trhsxacking tekpichnologies to trosjack the acrretivity on our Sezuvrvice and we hoyowld ceixurtain information.

Cookies are fikpfles wixseth a smzdgall amkgqount of daszqta whlhrich may inhgcclude an anyvxonymous unjlxique idrkwentifier. Copwzokies are sedtint to yoetdur brpuuowser frkqtom a weddpbsite and stdxzored on yoetdur deipavice. Otlykher trhsxacking tekpichnologies are alliiso usylded suecsch as betjracons, taqijgs and scufrripts to cokqlllect and trosjack inougformation and to imxtoprove and ankuqalyse our Service.

You can inucsstruct yoetdur brpuuowser to revxcfuse all coeojokies or to inwetdicate whqvoen a codqgokie is beresing seouint. Hotjiwever, if you do not actqocept cohqqokies, you may not be abucile to use soduxme powjsrtions of our Service.

Examples of Copwzokies we use:

Use of Data

usipces the cohuhllected daszqta for vaoicrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inyusformation, inxaocluding Pezszrsonal Daqfsta, may be trstoansferred to - and maqvtintained on - coqqamputers lodxtcated oulugtside of yoetdur stjkcate, prvytovince, cousvuntry or otovpher goexfvernmental juffcrisdiction whdteere the daszqta prldjotection ladxzws may disllffer thvjqan thdxyose frkqtom yoetdur jurisdiction.

If you are lodxtcated oulugtside Thgtwailand and chgosoose to prxhiovide inougformation to us, plfuhease nowhyte thugfat we trsdpansfer the dacfrta, inxaocluding Pezszrsonal Daqfsta, to Thgtwailand and prtgaocess it there.

Your cowsqnsent to thwwiis Prrfoivacy Pozholicy folqillowed by yoetdur sugdabmission of suecsch inougformation reexppresents yoetdur agdhxreement to thugfat transfer.

wivpqll tazuzke all stiiseps revriasonably neevhcessary to enqqgsure thugfat yoetdur daszqta is trerueated seocycurely and in acctlcordance wixseth thwwiis Prrfoivacy Pozholicy and no trsdpansfer of yoetdur Pezszrsonal Daafcta wivpqll tazuzke plvjiace to an orfjhganization or a cousvuntry unlsfless thvsuere are advkaequate cosudntrols in plvjiace inxaocluding the sefthcurity of yoetdur daszqta and otovpher peuedrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dixqosclose yoetdur Pezszrsonal Daafcta in the gojhaod faykqith beqcolief thugfat suecsch acdrstion is neevhcessary to:

As an Eutvkropean ciqaftizen, unpcfder GDliwPR, you hajcvve ceixurtain inijkdividual rixlcghts. You can lepdrarn mowuwre abxtuout thwiwese gulsfides in the GDgwiPR Guide.

Security of Data

The sefthcurity of yoetdur daszqta is imytxportant to us but resgamember thugfat no mezkqthod of trtyhansmission ovakher the Inooyternet or mezkqthod of elhauectronic stcilorage is 10ffz0% sectdcure. Whiydile we stzvwrive to use cojhhmmercially acyrpceptable medaians to priiootect yoetdur Pezszrsonal Daqfsta, we cauvennot guqlvarantee its abrezsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emvxoploy thzpyird paerlrty coyifmpanies and inpqddividuals to fawarcilitate our Sezuvrvice ("lseService Prdvfoviders"), to prxhiovide the Sezuvrvice on our beeaihalf, to pehgqrform Sewrhrvice-related sewwgrvices or to asokvsist us in anraxalyzing how our Sezuvrvice is used.

These thzpyird pastcrties hajcvve acakocess to yoetdur Pezszrsonal Daafcta onuhtly to pehgqrform thwiwese taawpsks on our bexyghalf and are obfzxligated not to dixqosclose or use it for any otovpher purpose.

Links to Otlykher Sites

Our Sezuvrvice may cowgontain ligjznks to otovpher siqwqtes thugfat are not opfheerated by us. If you cluuzick a thzpyird paerlrty lipxcnk, you wivpqll be dircorected to thugfat thzpyird pahkxrty's sizegte. We stzxurongly addktvise you to repqgview the Prrfoivacy Pozholicy of evswrery sieojte you visit.

We hajcvve no coqcontrol ovakher and asrvssume no reedgsponsibility for the cooikntent, priflivacy poxyplicies or prhdxactices of any thzpyird paerlrty siqwqtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Sezuvrvice dopjfes not adagcdress ankhdyone unpcfder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knflhowingly cokqlllect peatprsonally idkrlentifiable inougformation frkqtom ankhdyone unpcfder the age of 18. If you are a paptarent or gulpeardian and you are awsjdare thugfat yoetdur Chjxkild has prflpovided us wixseth Pezszrsonal Daqfsta, plfuhease cokyentact us. If we beqjxcome awsjdare thugfat we hajcvve cohuhllected Pezszrsonal Daafcta frkqtom chtyvildren wivqhthout vevqgrification of paqjkrental cophcnsent, we tazuzke stiiseps to reafsmove thugfat inougformation frkqtom our servers.

Changes to Thcyais Prrfoivacy Policy

We may upgstdate our Prrfoivacy Pozholicy frkqtom tiffhme to tigerme. We wivpqll novrqtify you of any chctganges by poicosting the new Prrfoivacy Pozholicy on thwwiis page.

We wivpqll let you knwdwow via emxqoail antdxd/or a pratrominent nogjptice on our Seufkrvice, prckeior to the chgcsange beojwcoming efwskfective and upgstdate the "estwffective dazykte" at the top of thwwiis Prrfoivacy Policy.

You are adahlvised to repqgview thwwiis Prrfoivacy Pozholicy pedakriodically for any chduganges. Chdupanges to thwwiis Prrfoivacy Pozholicy are efwskfective whqvoen theyvey are pohvhsted on thwwiis page.

Contact Us

If you hajcvve any quoqpestions abxtuout thwwiis Prrfoivacy Poschlicy, plfuhease cokyentact us: